Lottery terms and conditions, legal information and advice

St Catherine’s Lottery is a member of the Hospice Lotteries Association and is proud to support the Responsibility In Gambling Trust.

To download our full terms and conditions, click here.

To download our lottery complaints procedure, click here.

In 2018, 59p in every £1 paid to play our lottery was spent on running St Catherine’s Hospice. The remainder was spent on prizes, administration and legal regulation. Thank you for your support.

Gambling should be fun. For help and advice on gambling addiction visit:


Alternatively telephone Gamcare, freephone: 0808 8020 133
For more information contact:
Gambling Commission
Victoria Square House
Victoria Square
B2 4BP
Tel: 0121 230 6666

Licensed and regulated by the Gambling Commission
Licence No. 000-005182-N-302992-004

Please remember it is an offence for any person under the age of 16 to play in a lottery.
St Catherine’s Hospice Promotions Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of St Catherine’s Hospice (Lancashire) Ltd. All profits from the company go to the Hospice (Registered Charity Number 512186).
If you feel you have a problem with gambling, self-exclusion is available by either calling the lottery team on 01772 695298 or emailing