Exciting new partnership launched with UCLan
A pioneering new partnership has been launched between St Catherine’s Hospice and the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) which is set to pave the way for greater collaborative working between the two organisations in the future.
The Memorandum of Understanding was signed at a launch event hosted by the hospice which welcomed UCLan Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Development) Dr Lynne Livesey, St Catherine’s Chief Executive Stephen Greenhalgh, and several other hospice and UCLan staff.
The partnership has been set up to encourage greater collaborative working between St Catherine’s staff, and students, researchers and lecturers at the University – with the aim of raising standards and improving access to quality care for the Central Lancashire community.
Work will be built around themes of developing expertise; encouraging internships and volunteering; working together on research projects; sharing good practice and submitting joint bids for funding for new initiatives.
Although core departments to be involved will be nursing, medical and social work, both organisations are also keen to develop collaborative working in other areas – for example marketing, finance and business development, which will benefit both the hospice charity and UCLan students.
The signing of the Memorandum is set to strengthen the excellent relationships which already exist between St Catherine’s and UCLan.
St Catherine’s Hospice has been welcoming nursing and medical students on placements since the 1990s and students on social work placements since 2010. Chief Executive Stephen Greenhalgh said: “The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding is about much more than a piece of paper.
“It signifies the start of another exciting new chapter and outlines the framework for working more collaboratively in the future for the benefit of hospice patients, staff, UCLan students and lecturers, and the wider Central Lancashire community. I am delighted that we will be working even more closely together to help make a difference when it matters most.”
Lynn Kelly, Director of Knowledge Exchange at St Catherine’s, added: “We are passionate about broadening the scope of our work and sharing our skills and expertise with others through this pioneering partnership, which ultimately will improve the lives of the local people St Catherine’s serves. We know that UCLan can help us develop our services in fresh new directions, and we’re looking forward to working with the university on many projects which have the potential to make a big difference to local people.”
UCLan’s Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Development) Dr Lynne Livesey said she and colleagues at the university were looking forward to seeing the partnership grow relationships in both established and emerging departments.
“At UCLan we are looking forward to cementing and developing our excellent relationship with St Catherine’s Hospice and to making the most of the opportunities this partnership presents in many different areas of work,” she said.
“Not only will it help our students gain vital work experience, improve their employability and develop them as socially responsible graduates, we hope it will help St Catherine’s to be become even more effective in what they do by introducing new ideas, insights and expertise.”
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