This is my tribute page for carol she was loved by all her family and friends carol was only 48 when she Pastaway in June she had 2 Beautiful Daughters Emma And Ashleigh who she Loved so much and she had 2 Grandchildren Ellie and Riley who where her world carol Loved life when she first found out she had Lung cancer it was already stage 4 terminal it was a nightmare for her.Carol never admitted she was going to die to herself she never gave up hope she lived life to the full carol was given 18 months with treatment she lasted 15 in the 15 months I finished work to care for her the family was amazed how me carol a wheelchair and 2 suitcases went around the whole of the UK making memories for carol carol loved to watch the sea she used to love to sit in her wheelchair and watch the sun go down in the evening 🌄and the watch it come back up in the morning 🌅 over the breaches carol used to say to me I’m not scared of dying I’m scared of leaving my Children how it will effect them and she did not want to leave her Grandchildren who she adored and the fact she would not get to see her eldest daughter have children and get to meet them be there for them and never see her Grandchildren grow up people used to say carol was strong person but in reality she was so soft inside and i know myself with all the brave faces she put on for everyone she was a scared Little girl on the inside but she would only ever let me see that side to her me and carol where together for 32 years carol was and still is my world 🌍
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